Monday, November 7, 2011

Slum Lifes

Slum Lives
Slums are not the neatest place to live in or the ideal home. A slum is a overcrowded, run-down, inhabited place for poor people. Slums negatively impact humans through a chain of events; overpopulation leads to extreme pollution, which causes an overflow on polluted streams. One negative impact of a slum is…..

Slums are very overpopulated because most poor people live there. “41.6 million people, live in slums.” Millions and millions  of  poor people live in slums everyday. Some can not afford a home so they live in slums. Second negative impact of  slums are…

Overpopulation  causes extreme pollution. “ they’re very crowded and the slum is very dirty” since of the slums are crowded they get very, very, very dirty. Since all the crowdedness of all the poor people bunched up and the slums became very dirty. The third negative  impact of slums are……

Sewage streams overflow and pollutes of course it floods the slums. “Polluted stream  sometimes overflow and floods them.” The polluted streams get full so it overflowed and flood the slums. Sewage streams overflows and  floods the slums. The conclusion is…………

Slums are not the best place to live in. Slums negatively impact humans through a chain of events; overpopulation leads to extreme pollution, which causes overflow on polluted streams. Millions of people live in slums, because of overpopulation, and it is dirty, plus the sewage streams overflow most of the time in every slum.

Work Cited

“World Geography: Understanding a Changing World” ?terms=slums 2011

Fink, Sheri “Public Radio International: The World” December 18, 2006

Blythe, Nils “Mumbai’s slum life poses world problem” Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

Eaves, Elisabeth “Two Billion Slum Dwellers” November 6th, 2006 

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